Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Michael Jackson

I wasn't really a fan. I like his songs and thats all. But everyone LOVED his video, that's for sure.
On my 17th birthday, a group of friends gave me "Dangerous". I loved it, I listened to it day and nite. But then again, still I wasn't a fan.
Now that he is gone, I am finding myself listening to his songs days and nite, in the car, in office, everywhere.
What a great lost to the world!!!
My favorite now is BEN, this song can drove you to tears, thinking about the sweet innocent boy singing about hmmm probably a dog. He had no idea what future holds for him, it just too tragic.
All I can say is he truly united the whole world through his music.
Rest in Peace MJ!
Al-Fatiha, Amin.

1 comment:

lowkster said...

Ben is a really small dog.... a rat actually :)