Monday, December 28, 2009

Frelling Cool Show!

This is what I am up to every night. I am a fan, but missed it when they showed it on Hallmark long time back (2002?).
Anyway, finally, I managed to download the entire season and also the final TV movie. It is a shame they discontinued the show. This is greatest Sci-Fi on tv where originality is concern.
Now that I am watching it I am afraid the day I reach the end of the series will arrive and  I will wanting more!

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Referred a friend and see what I got !!!

I heard it worth RM200!!!
It is very precise unlike my bathroom scale.
I can weight self every day now.
I am happy! :)

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Some Fitness Tips.

Here some good tips I found lying around in the internet, So I am sharing it. I like the last point the best, it's very true!

Most ppl make losing weight much harder than it has to be.  Here are the basics:

1) In place of 3 larger meals, eat 5-6 smaller meals (this keeps your metabolism steady)

2) If you wait until you're hungry before you eat something, then you've waited too long.  That's like waiting until your car runs out of gas before you fill up the tank.

3) Eat the majority of your carbs in the first half of the day and the majority of your protein in the latter half.

4) Good carbs: veggies (greener = better), fresh fruit, whole grains, brown rice.

5) Bad carbs: sugars, white bread, white rice, corn (these spike your blood sugar, which fucks with your metabolism; remember, if diabetics can't eat it, you should avoid it, too).  This includes fruit juices!

6) Good sources of protein include: primarily poultry and fish.  Limit red meat, although buffalo meat is naturally leaner and higher in protein then even chicken.  Nuts, natural peanut butter, etc. are also good, but eat them sparingly as they are very high in calories.  Protein powders are good for a post-workout "meal," but don't over-do it.  One scoop in a cup of milk should suffice.

7) Think "high-fiber" and "low-fat" (particularly saturated and trans fats).  Not all fats are bad!  Learn which foods have the "good" kind of fats.

8) DRINK WATER!!!  Work up to the point where you're drinking about a gallon each day.  Avoid soft drinks like the plague, and limit alcohol and caffeine consumption as they dehydrate your body.

9) Weight loss occurs when you burn more calories in a day than what you consume.  Counting calories is a pain in the ass, but it works, and eventually you get used to it and will know about how much you can eat without over-doing it.

10) Weight training builds muscle.  The more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns, even while your sleeping.  Light weight and high reps does NOT effectively build muscle.  Heavy weight and low reps is the way to go!  Shoot for 8-12 reps per set.

11) Muscle weighs MORE than bodyfat, so if you're pumping iron on a regular basis, but your bathroom scale doesn't seem to be showing a decrease in weight, don't let it get you down.  Instead of relying on your scale, focus on how you look and how your clothes fit.  That will be the best indicator.

12) Cardio is NOT as effective as weight training.  Yes, cardio burns calories, but unfortunately during cardio your body gets about as much energy from breaking down your muscle tissue as it does from your stored bodyfat.  That's why avid runners and bikers are generally so damn skinny.  Breaking down muscle tissue for energy = less muscle = more EXERCISE TIME needed to burn the same number of calories.  The idea here is to burn more calories IN LESS TIME.  However, if you enjoy running or biking for hours on end, then by all means, knock yourself out.

13) VERY FEW ppl suffer from excessive weight as a result of a medical condition.  An over-whelming majority of overweight ppl are overweight b/c they just can't resist eating fried foods (as opposed to grilled), fat-laden treats, and sugary snacks, sodas, and fruit juices.

14) Don't think of exercise as a chore to be endured.  And don't keep doing the same things day-in and day-out.  You'll only get bored.  Instead, make exercise fun.  It should be something you enjoy doing, not something you dread.  If you prefer running to lifting weights, then RUN.  Just be aware that you're more likely to end up looking like Lance Armstrong than Ahh-nold.

15) For most ppl, if you don't have the body you want, then you simply don't want it badly enough!!!  It's that simple.

Greatest Sci-Fi of ALL TIME!

It seldom you find what you looking for, especially when you are entering used goods store.

There is this one second hand shop in Bangi, which sells almost anything. I entered the store with ONE thing in mind, and was immediately headed to the second hand books section. There were hundreds of books, arranged in shelf, randomly. If you have anything in your mind and looking for a particular book, finding that book would need divine intervention.

So as I was picking up each book on the shelf, there is was staring right into my face. It was not even arranged with other books, it was as though someone has taken it out from the arrangement and placed it right before my eyes!
                                       THE GREAT DUNE TRILOGY by FRANK HERBERT

The actual price was RM80++  which displayed at the back. The book looked brand new, like never been read before, and the cherry on top was, the price, it was RM18! a miracle indeed!

I am a very slow reader, the last book I read was Lord of the Ring, which I manage to finish before they showed The Return of the King in cinema. It took me months! I can't remember any other significant book I read since.

I am so thrilled about this. I have watched the movie and the mini series. This trilogy is  about 1000 pages, I am reading it very slowly now, I will review it perhaps a year from now. :)