Tuesday, October 11, 2005


It is my second day of normal shift and I am already wondering whether I made the right decision. The work load is just so and so, but the responsibility seems to be too heavy.
I used to have these kinda responsibilities, in my previous job, and it is nothing new now, but it seems that really enjoyed the shift work. Of course there will tonnes and tonnes of tickets coming in any given day, but you finished your day....and you finished with it. You don't have to worry about it.
Is this position any different?
I don't want to be depsressed about work, I don't want to be THAT person again.
It is clear, work is just work, nothing more, it does not define the person you are, no matter what your position is.
We are what we do. I worked for money, simple as that, forget about job satisfaction, do your job, get you pay and enjoy your life.
What happening to me? I am talking as though I end up with the worse job, this is still heaven compared to my last job...
Well..... think positively, I just got promoted, be happy for that now, maybe things seems to be overwhelming right now, for God's sake, it is only been my second day! Cheer up.......
Maybe I wont feel the same after few more weeks.
Help me God!

Anyway......Ramadzan al Mubarak to all!!!

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