Sunday, September 13, 2009


I paid that much basically for nothing today, all because of "Ayam Golek" in Bazaar Ramadhan.

I have been longing for Ayam Golek since the beginning of Ramdhan. So 2 weeks back, I decided to sink my teeth into one no matter what. Headed straight to Kelana Jaya Baazar after work. As usual no parking. Despite H1N1, crowd was crazy. I found a narrow parking between a car and a tree. So sure that I can squeeze my car in between, I slide in the gap confidently. Screeetcchhhh....... my heart stop few beats, and I felt that as though some one torn my balls with a razor! Ouchhhh!
Reversed my car and checked, there was a big tree bark on the passenger seat side. It left a decedent dent and scratch under the passenger door.


Can things go anymore wrong? Yeap it can! There were no Ayam Golek stall.

I bought my next favorite thing, nasi kerabu, thank God, it was heavenly!

Today I managed to send the car for dent job, it cost me RM200.

1 comment:

Voldemort said...

Moment macam tuh lah yang kita akan regret we even try to squeeze. Padahal kalo sabar skit, cari tempat lain, selamat kereta. Well, itu cakap2 orang yg insaf lepas jadi. haha. I had those moments jugak.