If somebody really want to get a birthday gift that I would REALLY REALLY appreciate, that would be the opening ticket to the Revenge of the Sith (hints... hints...)
Being a Skywakler clansmen myself(he he he), I am a major Star Wars junky, I dig everything on Star Wars. I still remember back in college when The Phantom Menace opening, I practically watched the trailer everday and collected every magazines that had even a very little TPM articles in it. Since all my buddies that time was a SW fans as well, all we talked about that time was Star Wars, Star Wars and Star Wars.
A friend of mine queued at TGV KLCC for hours to get us the tickets. Not only we were managed to watched the TPM on the opening day, we manage to watched the midnight show the day before as well, and the next day we watched it again... I guess in the period of 48 hrs, we watched it 3 times.... in theatre! At the end I watched TPM 7 times in cinema, that time I was doing industrial training in Motorola KL, and spent the allowance money on Star Wars. It was so crazy then, but now I have slowed down. I still follows and read every production detail, but not as crazy as last time, most probably because I seldom keep in touch with my college friends so much nowadays.....everybody seem so busy!
Let list down all the Jedis in IIUMENGINE96-2000
1. Kyrill - Major fan, he knows everything on SW, no point arguing with him about SW, he's the master.
2. Bajang - A Padawan...even after all this years.....
3. Yan Ya - He still insisted on watching TPM even he had final on 'Graphics' the next day
4. Emma - One of the more knowledgeable female Jedi
5. Chai - Another female Jedi, who travels from Sabah to KL to catch The Attack of the Clones
6. MTLR - Watches all the prequels in pirated VCDs first, much to annoyance of the rest of the Jedis
7. Mahathir - (President of MGS.. hahaha... please dont even bother ask what it is stands for)
I have the strong feeling that I have missed out someone........
We made a pack back then that when E2 releases, we would all gather to watched it together..... but at the end it was just me and Kyrill... due to unavoidable circumstances.......
My Favourites Revenge of the Sith links
SuperShadows :for everything you need to know about the prequels.
Star Wars Revelations : A really cool fan movie, this guy spent US$20K to produce this, it is a fine piece of work, woth the download (248MB)
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