Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Kitchen cabinet ohhh kitchen cabinet......

To make long story short....

The microwave oven (panasonic brand) doesn not fit into the cabinet hole.
Macam nak pengsan after I tried to fit the micro oven inside...tak muat!!!!

Macam ni............. Before they started doing the cabinet I told the cabinet fellow from Welco Kitchen (this guy quite blur sotong type) that my microwave size is 600x400 (mm). Then he said ok la, can fit, then afterward I called him that the oven doesn't fit, he said the size he mentioned was including the wood at the each side, so it less than 600. So tak muat la....

Feel like crying only, called the electric shop, they said cannot change the oven already, sebab the box all dah koyak because already soaked wet in the rain.

Gaduh punye gaduh, at the end the kitchen cabinet fellow agreed to change it with charge (initially they requested to pay a bit)

Baru lega sikit.........................

Pict: Cabinet before hud and hob installed....

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