Monday, June 05, 2006

Here I am again............

Here I am again, at the junction, I need to make a decision now. Which path to follow?

Hard decision, I think I am going crazy now.

Financially, I am a mess. I need to move on with my career.

Sometime I feel suffocated.

What if I took the wrong turn?

This is the moment where a simple phone call will change my life definitely....

Question is: for better or worse?


Digitalite said...

ayyy... just arrived? welcome to 'the junction' then. i have came acrossed it for a few times dah... every path I take looked like 'the big break' that everybody's talking about... tapi...ntahlah

maybe your luck is better than mine. maybe you are better than me at deciding which path... anyway, good luck. Pilih jer memana jalan that u think is the best sebab sooner or later, you are bound to meet another junction... said...

biasa baca blog aku kan? tau kan cerita aku? hahahaha.. nampaknya jalan yang aku ambik ni mcm ok.. "MACAM OK" sbb baru sngt ni, tak tau.. Kau try je la mana tau nasib baik.. Financially mess? hmm semua org pun mcm tu kut...