Friday, January 16, 2009

Carless Person

I have sold my car. I wouldn't have thought when I woke up that morning (13th Jan), that would be the last day I would be driving my car. Initial plan was just to send the car to show room for inspection only. But the used car dealer wanted the car there and then!

He offered slightly better price than the rest, so why the hell not, he paid right then. I wend back home for a while to empty my car and give a hug and kiss (no really). And it was SOLD just like that! Had no idea the whole process took like just few hours.

Then I booked new car right then.

Now I shall patiently wait for the arrival of the new member of the family.

1 comment:

Digitalite said...

Wow, that was ultra fast. Hehehe. cant wait for your next post :-) Mesti ada kereta baru woohoo. Err for the time being, change the template kot? At least the default ones yg ada bayak functions contohna senang nak add follower ke something like that.hehe.