Wednesday, April 28, 2010


All the surprises I planned out for my wife does not work. Not only it didn't work, it always end up disastrously, the cup cake disappointment for previous mothers day and the SPA incident for last birthday are few to name.

I am planning something now, something big, hell, it is something EPIC in proportion for my standard. It better work.

Even if my wife is reading this, there is no way in hell she would be able to guess what's coming.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Beware... Incoming taaaaxxxxxxxxxxx

This is the first time ever I had "Cukai Terlebih Bayar". Maybe cause I have 2 kids now. Or maybe it is because of the extra deduction LHDN asked to deduct montly for the pass 6 month til Dec. Anyhow I am happy.
It is sad that i am not fully making advantage of the all the tax deduction given by the government.

These are the thing I am gonna do for this year.

  • Buy lots and lots of book
  • Buy a really nice pair of sport shoe.
  • Increase my Charitable contributions.
  • Buy a computer? Maybe not.
  • Open a SSPN accounts for both my children.
  • Save medical bills for parents. (regardless I pay for it or not ;) )

Monday, April 19, 2010

Warning, not for the faint hearted.


I just finished watching the season finale, and this is my kinda season finale. No cliff hangers, there is closure for almost every dangling issue and just enough suspense on what to expect in season 2. Never in my life I felt so satisfied seeing so much blood spewing out of veins (I am sick) Everyone who died at the end DESERVED it. Period.

Here is something I always wonder while watching Spartacus:

  • What is the Effing wrong with the Romans? Seriously, why they got so excited seeing blood? Were they really that sick?
  • How much blood does human body SPEW out, I mean spew out as in blood out garden hose? and how long it will keep on spewing out like that?
  • Does blood really that vivid in RED, I mean really really RED
  • Where was Mira hiding all this while :p
  • Does all slaves in that period hmmm..... apparel-ly challenged?
  • I mean I still wondering, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE ROMANS, I just keep on wondering that!

Friday, April 09, 2010

Wife-less 2 weeks

Wife was off to The UK for 2 weeks. I sent the kids and maid to mum house for that 2 week. So, I am all set to enjoy my bachelor life again, yeehaaa or so I thought.

What actually happed was far from anything to celebrate.

  • I end up missing my children.
  • After work, I hit gym, reach home, search in the fridge for anything edible and end up drinking protein shake and some biscuits.
  • watch TV, A LOT of them
  • had gastric, because I was too lazy to cook, even to heat up pre-cooked meal wife frozen up or even to go out and buy anything.
  • and oh yes, I did went to Burger King drive tru near Shal Alam stadium, because I had sudden craving, after gym, so basically it cancel out fat i burned in gym.
  • and again, I went to BK, after reached home on another occasion, I love their mushroom burger!
  • I light up the stove like twice if I remembered correctly, to fry egg.
  • I did laundry once, and enjoyed it.
  • Then, I watch TV again. even more if it is even possible.
  • Being a Peter Klaven, I had no buddies to hang out, even if I had, I don't think I would have hung out. Yes, I am THAT adventurous and fun guy.
  • having some one to nag around the house doesn't seem so bad all of sudden
  • And finally I started to miss my wife (yes finally, hehe)
The conclusion is, I have evolved, I have become a family man. I rather spend my time with family than doing anything else.