Friday, February 23, 2007


  • Anda menderita akibat masalah kelemumur?
  • Anda tidah mendapat pasangan hidup akibat masalah kelemumur anda?
  • Rakan-rakan menjauhi anda seolah-olah anda ada penyakit berjangkit?
  • Kelemumur berguguran umpama salji yang turun pada bulan Disember di Ireland apabila anda menyikat rambut anda?
Jangan Risau lagi! Nah... ni dia SELSUN BLUE!!! Memang berkesan, aku dah pakai dekat sebulan dah ni, memang hilang masalah kelemumur aku! Dalam minggu pertama dah boleh nampak perubahan dah, minggu kedua memang dah hilang terus! Pakai seminggu dua kali jer. Harga pun berpatutan.

Brad Pitt pun pakai brand ni! Tak percaya, tengok balik citer Ocean 12, memang Character Brad Pitt pakai brand ni. Sedangkan Brad Pitt pun pakai Selsun Blue, apatah lagi kita, Average Joe? Kita kene ikut langkah Brad Pitt jugak, so mungkin kita jugak akan dapat Angelina Jolie! he he.

p/s: Terima Kasih pada rakan-rakan bloggers yang rekomenkan brand ni. (from this entry)

Monday, February 19, 2007

Waiting for a point where I will exhale........

I really envy those who can really enjoy their live. I mean having real fun, where everyday is a last. They are happy at work, happy at home, there are happy anywhere they are. No matter what, they will have good time.
I am a worrier. I can't feel happiness, it is genetic, it is kinda disorder, I have looked in the web, it is a medical condition that prevent people from ever feel happiness, some kinda psychological disorder. I am admitting it now. I am not a happy person, despite all my effort to appear happy and joyful, I really can't grasp that concept.
I tried to find root cause for this, but I am unable to pinpoint any. I thought it might be financial, career, family or health, but I can't be sure. If i have one thing than it is another, nope I have no idea what going on.
But, when I see happy people, I feel happy for them, at least there can feel it, so I am happy for them. I tried to imagine how is their life all about.
I think I need professional help.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hebat sangat ke dapat makan malam dengan Anuar Zain tu?

Since January, I am working from Fri-Mon, from 1000-2100 (hopefully until February only). On weekends, I will be just working from home, and sometimes, even on Fri or Mon, I will be working from home if I don't feel going to office. The hall is my office, I'll be watching TV for 10 hours while working (or working while watching TV). I'm kinda become a couch potato and I have become very fond of watching TV lately for some reason*.

Below are my discoveries about my TV watching habits.

1. I can watch "Friends" for hundredth thousand time and I still wouldn't get bored and would still find it funny.
2. Heroes is excellent!
3. I hate watching that "Raja Lawak" advertisements.
4. They repeat the Nana Tanjung theme song so often, that I find myself singing it unconsciously.
5. I subscribed to the movie package and sometimes I thing they show absolutey rubbish, especially in the evening.
6. At certain hour (especially from 2-5pm) there is absolutely nothing to watch!.
7. I really hate it when, we are nicely surfing the channel and suddenly you accidentally hit the "Box Office" Channel (which I don't subscribe) and you need to wait for the damn thing to load before you can hit other channel.
8. I really don't see anything interesting in the "Table for Three", but my wife seem addicted to it.
9. When they going to show the new season of "Lost"?
10. I think I had enough of that "Makan malam bersama Anuar Zain" thingy, it is really getting to my nerves.
11. Ever since Astro migrated to Measat 3, I am unable to get certain channel, called Astro, and the very blur help desk said "Everything seems fine, I think the problem is at you end sir, we can send a technician over, that will cost RM50". Bull Shit isnt it? I told him why the hell i should pay, you upgraded your satellite, and now I need to pay RM 50?!!!
12. I find British comedy on Channel 26 is absolutely boring but somehow I still watch it.
13. I really don't like watching Amazing Race or Fear Factor that much.
14. I find it that I really like to watch those really slow and boring movies compared to action packed ones.
15. I can watch Charlie's Angels for millionth time and still get excited about it.
16. Unheard of before B-Class movies sometime can be interesting in a strange ways.