'Is it really necessary?'
I am not here to condemn anyone, but in my opinion, is it really necessary to take ALL subject offered in SPM just because we are born smart? It just beat the purpose of the whole thing. I mean...it is good, you will get a place anywhere you want, but you still will get the same place in any Uni if you have taken specialize subject like science, art and such.
I have to blame Malaysian education system for being too exam oriented rather than educating the students with good values. Hey..they have introduce Moral Education... you would refute. I have seen my classmates Moral text book....it is pathetic actually. Till now I really can't accept the fact that Moral Education is taught in Malaysian Classroom as a whole separate subject.
Anyway my congrats to girl who got the 17A1s, I heard she was not a bookworm and enjoyed her life as a normal teenager would. And the fact that she was from ordinary school, not boarding school makes her more special. Kudos!
I was having this discussion with a few of my friends, and they say that these kind of people will only know what the book says, and cant do anything hands on. That could be true. But then.. not everyone is the same right?
They were also saying tht this girl will have Phd one day and become a lecturer with RM5-6k salary per month. I dont know.. could be true also.. what do you think?
Most probably she will go all the way to PhD and may be earning even more than RM5-6K. But then..anything still could happen, I have seen top scores in SPM really screwed up in University. And what if ones scored 4.0 and become completely clueless in working environment?
If you ask me, moderation is always more fulfilling.
moderation in education is always a good thing. People shoudl have a rounded education, not jus the subjects but life in general, people we share the planet with etc.
I almost feel sorry for this girl. Yes she has done well, and kudos to her. But can she translate this into somehing practical, can she apply her knowledge?. I would not assume she can be a lecturer because its not enough to know your subject, you have to be able to teach. Malaysia may go the way of UK whereby employers will claim the education is being dumbed down and demand much higher qualifications as an entry critera for a job eg. 10 A1s for the job of garbage collector. if think this example is a joke then think again. In the UK to be a garbage collector you have to have several A'levels - such is the oversubscription to the job opening.There will now be a lot of pressure on other students to achieve the same unrealistic level all for the benefit of everyone except the student. Guzz you are right about the clueless brainacs in the workign environment and in university- i have seen both.
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