Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The problem is..............

The problem with me is, I wait for the instruction. I wait and I wait.

No... I am not lazy nor that I lack initiative, in fact I am dying to act on my instinct and logic, there is just too many things in my head that I want to execute, but I wait.

Once, I did that, I acted on my logic and instinct and took matters in my own hand. And what I got in the return? my ex-boss (read bitch) called me that I am 'big headed' and taking her job as the boss, bla bla bla.

I have to find a middle ground.

1 comment:

Digitalite said...

i really dont understand these bosses. at my first company, i waited for his instructions, but he said i lacked initiative. the problem is, i dont want this things that happened to you, happens to me when i take my initiative which is bound to better than the bosses expectation (agaknya)... my previous company, the boss wants me to take initiative and poke my nose into areas that's not even under my job scope... can they make a congress and mutually agree on one standard behaviour? hehe

i think your bitch feels theratened la guzz hahahahaha