Monday, June 18, 2007

There is a bun in the oven !!!

Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Ya Rabbil Alamin...


There are no words can describe my feeling, I feel truly blessed. I feel it is almost like a miracle.
Thanks for all who have prayed hard for me and my wife.

Never in my life I was so happy to see two tiny red lines appearing on a piece of paper. That almost drove me to tears, that was the big news I was talking about in this post. Wanted to wait for while before posting this entry.

Quite frankly, I have been dreaming about this and how would I write this entry. Now that I am writing it, the words does not seem to flow naturally. I am trembling... of Joy.

I have been hoping for so long for this, now that it really happened, I really need to reassure myself that this isn't just a dream (believe me, I had plenty of such dream that I wouldn't want to wake up). But now slowly I have had accepted it, gladly that is, I have beginning to digest this news and start making necessary preparation.

And I never loved my wife this much in my whole life...!!! I love you dear!!! (Muahhhh Muahhhh big kiss for you) Ok ok.... I know, you guys are getting sick of this Public (or rather, virtual) Display of Affection, but I don't care! :)

Obviously there going to be lot I need to write about.... more coming soon...

3 comments: said...

TAHNIAH GUZZ!!! AKU FAHAM PERASAAN KAU hehehehe... dah berapa bulan dah?

Guzz said...

Terima Kasih, dah 2 bulan dah.

angelonfire said...

Kon-gek-chu-ley-syen!! sam! thunder n lightning won't change what you feeling, the daffodil looks lovely today!... so is it gonna be Eleanor the Fair or Faramir? ehehe..