Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

People people people,

Listen to me, GO WATCH THIS MOVIE! it is not often movie like this is made. This is kinda movie that make you think about it even after hours/days you have watched it.

I felt sad, happy, angry all sort of emotion mixed and mingled together watching this movie. This depicts the true love story with even truer depiction of poverty in India as a background. All this while, while watching all the song and dance Bollywood movies, we never actually realize the true state of poverty in India. This, off course isn't a Bollywwod movie, it is by UK director, even the cast I think mostly UK born Indian.

It has been nominated for OSCAR, most blog I read syas this is definate a winner and my favourite composer, AR RAhman, has been nominated as Best Music Director for this, so what else I can say?

From IMDB:
Whats the movie about?
A Mumbai teen who grew up in the slums, becomes a contestant on the Indian version of "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" He is arrested under suspicion of cheating, and while being interrogated, events from his life history are shown which explain why he knows the answers

Tagline: Love and money... You have mixed them both.
Awards: Nominated for 10 Oscars. Another 60 wins & 29 nominations. more...

3 comments: said...

so mcmana dia tau jawapan tu? aku takde masa nak tngk and tak kisah kaalu kau bgtau..

Guzz said...

sebab semua soalan yg ditanya related to his past.

Digitalite said...