Wednesday, September 02, 2009

I Love You,Man.

I am Peter Klaven. Now I know what is wrong with me. It is a fact, my wife will agree. She always ask me how come you don't have best friend? or at least few male close friend? I couldn't answer that question. I have work colleagues, which we do stuffs together during office hour, but that's it, after office our we as good as strangers.
I got few friends at gym, then again it just Hi and Bye at the gym.
I have no close friends that I call simply to talk, or when I am excited over something or anything.
Shall I begin my man-date? ha ha ha.
Anyway, this movie is hilarious! It is a bromantic comedy.I was watching it alone, and was laughing out aloud all by my self like a crazy person. Paul Rudd is just damn funny. I recommend this to every guy and gal! Two thumbs up!

1 comment: said...

macam akula.. takde kawan yang close..