Monday, November 20, 2006

Kerana mulut badan binasa.

Somewhere around last week in my office........

My boss and colleagues were busy talking at one of my colleagues cubicle. I was passing tru that place and suddenly my boss asked:

Boss: Guzz what do you say about Karaoke?
Me: I don't mind, it's a great way to embarrass ourselves! (dgn muka selamber)
Boss: Wow, I like your attitude, (turning to other guys) look at Guzz, he is so 'sporting'.
Me: err err err ok... (no clues what's going on!)
Boss: Guzz, you ni betul ke or cakap jer lebih?
Me: Betul ler..........
Boss: Ha ha
Me: Ha ha

Maybe it is just an empty conversation to fill up free time, I continued to work (or pretended to be).

And then, 2 days later, I received an email from boss saying that there is a DeepaRaya function in office and there is a Karaoke session and every department have to send a representative! I panicked! OMG what have I done?!! Me and my big mouth! Now surely they all will be asking me to sing!

Then in the dept meeting thank God they all nominated another colleague who always sing out aloud wearing earphone. Thank Goodness, I am off the hook. My colleague nominated my name mentioning that I volunteered to embarrass myself before, but majority supported him! Ha ha....

But I felt bad, maybe my boss will think that I am cakap jer lebih but action is zero! hmmmmm Need to save my reputation, Don't want other to think that I talk empty without action!

The day come, the nominated colleague bailed out, saying no way he will sing. Boss already sang a song, no one in volunteered in the dept! Semangnat ke'department'an aku berkobar-kobar.
Again boss asked, you wanna give a try? Hmmm I asked another female colleague, Jom duet? She said ok, as long as I sing with her.

We were looking for come nice English duet song but find none! So she decide to sing solo and I had to keep to my promise to sing as well, and the boss keep on asking 'dah pilih lagu ker blom?'

So, there I was, finally infornt of others (thank Goodness not many stayed back for Karaoke session). I kept to my promise and successfully me'sumbang'kan lagu 'Seribu Tahun Tak Kan Mungkin by Bumiputra Rockers.

I'd made it, I kept to my promise and I finally EMBARRASS myself infront of the crowd and it felt good!!!!

Moral of the story: Jangan cakap besar and jangan menyampuk dalam conversation orang yang tak tau hujung pangkalnyer.........


Anonymous said...

who on earth are the bumiputra rockers?? said...

chris, it's one of the best bumiputra band in 1980's.. hahahahaha.. kan Guzz?

Guzz said...

Yes, yes, one of the best, definitely!