Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Can't belive they killed off Shanon!

I couldn't believe my eyes last nite when they killed off Shanon in 'Lost'. God! I was speechless, how can they do that. If they keep on killing everybody, who will survive at the end? And I really hate that the new survivors they found on the other end of the island, especially the though ass chick Ana. She is mean!

I really hope Shannon is not dead, maybe Jack can could help her to survive the wound.... or maybe the whole thing was Sayid's imagination (the island always play tricks on the survivors' mind anyway).Tension la. My friend told me he downloaded the entire season 2, and he said he can tell me the ending, NO THANKS! Don't ruin the suspenses or else I have nothing elso to look forward to every Monday.

Yesterday, after work, I masak, daging masak kicap, menjadi jugak, my wife said 'sedap giler', but then again, any food is sedap giler according to my wife ;)

3. GYM
Suppose to go gym yesterday, but woke up wrong side of the bed, neck paining, mum said need to jemur the pillow under the hot sun and beat the pillow. MAcam mana nak buat, awal pagi dah keluar remah, maghrib baru balik. Anyway, today must go, mana tau, kot kot terjumpa Sofea Jane ke (she really work out there, according to my fren)

Update: 3.03 pm !!!

Something interesting happened in the gym today. I was in sauna and there was another guy in there as well, we chit chat for a while......

Other Guy: How long did it take to get body like that?
Me: Like mine? banyak lemak lagi la (showing my stomach)
Other Guy: Mana ada, dah ok apa, the bottom of your tummy dah ada line, cantik kalau pakai jeans, tu yang mahal tu....
Me: ye ke...hehheh Thanks.... Kalau consistence 3-4 days per week, maybe dalam masa 3 bulan boleh dapat kot......
Other Guy: Ok .......

Hehehe I could not wipe out my grin from my face all the way to office.

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