Monday, April 17, 2006

Say No To Gatsby Deodorant

X-Men United against Gatsby Deodorant!

Hereby, from today onward, I solemnly declare that I WILL NOT EVER use the GATSBY Deodorant ever!.

Have you guys watched the Gatsby deodorant on TV? I am sure anyone with the right mind would rush to the shop to get the deodorant.

I find the advertisement repulsive and disgusting. Not macho at all! Who are they targeting the advertisement at? School Kids? I am confused... Why a company spend so much money (and waste precious viewers' are time) to sabotage their own product! It is like they are advertising to convey the message to the men out they not to use their product!!!

The advertisement shows a dorky looking guy dancing with two bears/rabbit(not sure which animal) costume cladded guys. It is totally childish! It is like watching commercial for kids' toys!

P/S: Why I am so emotional? At least my wife agrees with me that that commercial is ridiculous, especially if it is targeted to male audience....

1 comment:

Digitalite said...

ok! got the see it... i hate bad adverts too... especially bad radio adverts...