Monday, August 14, 2006

On Superstitious..........

I never confess this to anyone, or even said it out aloud when I am all alone. But I am. I am superstitious. I guess it all started when I was very young, most probably when I was in primary school, Why I become superstitious, I can't answer that, but I can remember the beginning...


All my life I have been a worrier, I worry about almost everything, mostly about my school, exam, my extra-curricular activities and mostly my family.

It is very silly though, I don't know who gave me the idea, but I made up a lot of superstitious believes as I grow up. It just I fear if I stop doing it, something bad will happen to me or to people around me.


It is sickening, I felt my life was constrained, there were no freedom, I know and felt that I am weird than the rest, but I couldn't help it. When I think back I feel stupid on how silly I have been, but when I think even deeply, I realize that I am still the same person.


What kinda superstition you ask? Well, if you think of voodoo doll and animal scarify, you are wrong. It was far less complicated but much more idiotic! Gosh! What kind a miserable childhood I had!


Hmm will I ever change? I guess not, one thing I realize is that we really can't change the way we are, maybe we gave the perception to the surrounding people that we have changed so much, but it is mostly on how we carry ourselves and communicate. Deep inside, we are still the same child we were. Did I say 'we', well change it to 'I', this is my personal opinion, I don't this any two people are alike.


Again...What kinda superstition you ask? Well it is too silly and embarrassing to write. It is only for me to know and for you to never find out.

2 comments: said...

ni yg nak marah ni.. cerita tak habis hehehe..

Digitalite said...

It is only for me to know and for you to never find out. <<-- aku suka ayat nih ;-)

Anyway, does it involve something like " pan pan puchi puchi' kind of chants or mantra? you know.. the kind that only you do it?

hahahahahahahhaa =)