Tuesday, August 22, 2006

TM suck big time!!!!

I am really pissed off with TM (Net, point... what the f*&*ing different?).

I apply for a phone line months ago. Until now, there is no update and there is no follow-up.


At first, they said, no physical line from the DB to my house, so they arranged the contractor to come and fix it. And this was done 2 weeks ago. But now every time I called, they are clueless what's going on. They said my house phone line is not captured in the system. The helpdesk girl gave me the contractor phone line for me to follow up? WTF? Isn't that their problem? Why the hell I should liaise with their contractor? Is this how they do work? Why should I waste my hand phone bill calling the contractor, while they the one should follow up and update me the issue!!!!


It is unbelievable!!! If this were Maxis I'll be getting excellent customer service, they call, SMS on every update!


I am really disappointed with the service! It seems the only changed the physical appearance of the service (new bright orange uniform, building) but service still sucks.


Sorry.... I am really pissed off!


I am having online training with US next week onward, and just because I have no internet connection at home, I have drive all the way to CyberJaya middle of the night for the training!..... Arghhhhhhhhhhh


pizli.mw said...

Guzz.. baru tadi kawan aku cerita psl org kerja TM ni.. Pukul 9 makan, pukul 10 baru buat kerja and kau taula selanjutnya mcmana.. Diaorg kaya sebab diaorg satu je yg provide phone line/internet kat malaysia. dulu ada jaring diaorg dah take over dah.. tu pasal diaorg mcm sial. kau pun tau, tak payah aku cakap.. takkan takde cyber cafe yg kuat speednya kat area rumah kau... jauh cyberjaya tu..

Digitalite said...

takpe Guzz. bleh claim OT tak? hhahaha...

I have the same problem. Tapi aku lantakkan jer. (tapi nanti lepas computer aku revived, maybe ada urgencynya)

Guzz said...

Service TM memang macam siput.
Helpdesk personnel dia memang blur2.

Anyone tried jaring wireless broadband?

chris said...

big time eh? training with the US...

sounds to me like you need an activcard ;)

Guzz said...

Chris => We dont need activcard here, just have to connect to the VPN and authenticated in firewall, then we are in from home!