Thursday, August 17, 2006

Somebody please stop this madness.............

DK, CT and TZ, has become quite a famous acronyms for Malaysians all of sudden. I know, there have been countless blogs entries either condemning the lavish wedding or the one really supporting the wedding.

I, off course, all against this stupid @#*&$# wedding! WTF?

I am too mad to compose a proper sentences and paragraph, so, here in point form.

1. Do they really need to call for a press conference EVERY time new rumors surfaces? Why the being so paranoid, that they want to deny all allegations?

2. Does the press really have to print their news in front-page? Does Malaysian intelligent level hit the rock bottom? There we are, early in the morning with cup of coffee, ready to sit down with newspaper, and there goes, right in the front-page, story about DK and CT, yuck! Spoil my whole day.

3. Does the cabinet really have to discuss this in Dewan Rakyat? Of course the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, has a point, why TV3 should telecast the wedding of a man who left his wife and children to marry a younger girl. To of all single mothers out there, whose the husbands left them for younger girl, please do something about this. Is this the example we want to set to our children? And please DO NOT CANCEL ANY OF OUR FAV SHOW JUST FOR THE WEDDING!!!!

4. Please do not bombard us about the every stupid detail of the wedding we DO NOT care. I don't care if you want to be paraded around KLCC in kereta lembu, or in beca or on the back of a camel. Please don't start closing all the main road around KL just for the wedding, there are 'real' people out there who need to beat the rush traffic hour to go to work. Please be considerate.

5. And please, for goodness sake, do not bring out the family argument about the actual amount of hantaran money in the press. It is embarrassing!

6. And I don't understand how some people can boost around saying that everything for the wedding is sponsored? Is that something to be proud of? The rest of us used our hard earned cash form saving for the wedding, it was more meaningful, even if the wedding was not that grand. Ni tak, siap buat statement who sponsored what, siap with the pricing lagi, if it was me, I would be really embarrassed!

7. My last point is, is that necessary to spend RM4m for wedding, just because you have the money (even more than half of it was sponsored) I mean, imagine what kind of charity can be done with RM4m:

· Help the poor
· Give scholarship for poor children
· Donate to orphanage.
· Help people in war strike nations.
· Help develop young entrepreneurs.
· And much more.......

The only acronym that bring smile to my smile lately is PCD, THEY ARE HOT!

3 comments: said...

ha'ah PCD. aku rasa HOT yang natural diorang tu.. kira menyeksi sbb diaorg memang seksi.. bukan buat².. natural.. hehehe.. wife kau tak tukar channel ke kalau dia perasan kau tengah tengok PCD tu? hahahaha..

Digitalite said...

ehehehehehe..ko kalo PCD laju jer... kalo PCK ko suka jugak tak? hahaha

Guzz said...

heheh panjang lebar aku tulis pasal CT, tapi korang pun komen pasal PCD jer...... sama kepala la tu!